Con-siente is all about making real connections, joining together in collaboration with like-minded brands to design exhilarating experiences for our Community to reconnect with one self:
To the dreamer — wings of freedom so they can keep flying.
To the free-spirited soul — courage to slow down, stop, and admire beauty.
To the modern nomad — roots to connect with their inner self.
To the adventurer — an eternal desire to live life to the fullest. 


1. Meditation and Sound Healing in Skanda Yoga with @Miestilonatural
2. Free event With Pivot Market & @Natyogalife

      Este espacio de reconexión con la energía femenina, se abrió con la finalidad de compartir un poderoso círculo de mujeres, donde logramos disminuir esa energía eléctrica de constante movimiento; permitiéndonos de nuevo centrarnos, respirar, parar y nutrirnos.
      A través de profundos ejercicios de mindfulness acompañados por los aceites esenciales de Doterra y la inspiradora historia de JETLAGMODE, reconectamos con nuestra magia creativa y el poder de la visualización; tambien con la importancia del silencio gracias a la meditación guiada por SADHANA SHAKTI fundadora de SKANDA YOGA STUDIO, por último cerramos con una profunda sanación de nuestra niña interior gracias a la hermosa sesión de sound healing por Dayana Villota. 

      This space of reconnection with feminine energy was opened with the purpose of sharing a powerful circle of women, where we managed to reduce that electrical energy of constant movement; allowing us to focus again, breathe, stop and nurture ourselves.

      Through deep mindfulness exercises complemented by Doterra essential oils and the inspiring story of JETLAGMODE, we reconnect with our creative magic and the power of visualization; also, with the importance of silence thanks to the meditation guided by SADHANA SHAKTI founder of SKANDA YOGA STUDIO. At the end we closed the activity with a deep healing of our inner child thanks to the beautiful sound healing session by Dayana Villota.


      PIVOT ha sido una de nuestras "casitas" y como comunidad de marcas conscientes, hemos decidido abrir un espacio de inspiración y aprendizaje para quienes quieran unirse en Miami.
      Para este primer evento invitamos a Nathalie Perdomo, maestra de yoga y experta en TRE. Con quien tras una lectura personalizada y un lindo compartir sobre esta terapia tan poderosa, aprendimos a profundidad sobre una nueva herramienta para tener un estilo de vida CON-SIENTE. Cómo siempre acompañado de nuestra propuesta única de comprar de manera responsable. 


      PIVOT has been one of our "homes" and as a community of conscious brands, we have decided to open a space of inspiration and learning for those who want to join in Miami.

      For this first event we invited Nathalie Perdomo, a yoga teacher and expert in TRE. With whom, after a personalized reading and a lovely sharing about this powerful therapy, we learned in depth about a new tool to have a CONSCIOUS lifestyle. Of course, followed up by our unique proposal to buy responsibly.